Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Vacation for You & Your Dog

Summer time is here. The time of year many families like to take a vacation... with kids out of school, tv finales over, & the nice weather its sort of a tradition like apple pie and baseball. With the recent economic times though, summer vacations may look a little different this year.

I don’t necessarily think its a bad thing in many ways. Don’t get me wrong, financial crisis is something I wish upon no one. But when I look at the things that are happening to people and what is important... like really important... its becoming much more real these days.

I find that people are spending more time around home, with family and friends, and that also includes The Dog. Its kind of interesting that many Americans have been going with lack of sleep and spending most of their time working so they can do things away from the home that was the focal point of “having it all”. It’s all starting to come around and spending time around home is bringing more joy to people and their dogs.

The idea of vacation is also taking a new perspective. People are tending to get a little more creative about it and finding that there are so many places they haven’t been right around home to enjoy. Places where you can go with family and friends, including the dog, that are fun and even free!

Trail hikes are an awesome thing to do and the benefits are many. Not only do you spend time with one another, spend time talking that you normally wouldn’t, but you are getting fresh air, exercise and by taking the dog everyone is learning to hang out together and in the end have a lot of fun... for the attractive price of free!

The more time you spend with your dog, the easier the training aspect becomes. The more exercise you get with your dog, the easier it is to have an incredibly well behaved dog.

So plan a vacation around home... check out some way cool hikes you can take, then start doing a daily walk from your house for the “training runs”. I plan to post more articles on the practice training you can do to make planning some longer hikes and outdoor adventures more fun for your and your dog.

If you are in the San Diego area and are looking for some way cool places to go with your dog check out our book “Leave Only Paw Prints” for maps and details. Make it easy... get outside with your dog and have some fun!

For more tips and training tricks, cool dog photos, and dog news follow us on Twitter at www.Twitter.com and K9 Coach on Facebook. And of course feel free to contact us at K9 Coach for any of your dog training questions, private lessons, and dog training camps.

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